
Welcome to SerialCoder.dev!

Hi, I am Gabriel Theodoropoulos, an app maker and content creator. This is my place where I publish articles and other content about iOS and macOS programming.

A liiiiitle-bit about me

I've been building iOS apps since mid-2010 and macOS apps for almost a decade. And I remember as if it was yesterday when I wrote my first iOS programming tutorial back in 2012, contributing countless articles to other websites before I started writing in my own blog exclusively.

My coding story starts way back, almost at the end of 80s. I was lucky enough to write my first line of code at the age of 8 using an Amstrad CPC128, making my first steps with the guidance of my father. I instantly fell in love with computers and what they can do, but most importantly with what they can do when I program them! Being a coder became a second nature since, while I keep feeling the exact same excitement and admiration just like the first time when writing code nowadays, although I'm going through the fourth decade of my life.

Leaving iOS and macOS aside for a second, I met several programming languages and platforms over the course of time. From Windows programming using mainly C# and Visual Basic (.NET framework), to cross-platform apps using Java, and Web programming with HTML, Javascript and PHP, as well as a series of other languages that I learned more or less along the way, such as C, C++, Pascal, and more. Regading Web in particular, I've come to the conclusion that I am fond of backend apps; and I make some of them from time to time using Node.js. Databases have their own place in the records of my history too, starting with the DBase III Plus somewhere in 90s, and focusing later mostly in MySQL and less in SQL Server. These days I'm a SQLite fan, as it's the go-to database for iOS and macOS apps.

So, what about SerialCoder.dev?

It has been a great pleasure and satisfaction to provide assistance to people who want to learn to code, and that's what I've been doing since 2012 through my tutorials, articles and videos.

SerialCoder.dev is my place in the web where I have been publishing all my written content about iOS and macOS programming over the last few years. Quite possibly, I might cover additional programming areas, such as Node.js, but the main focus will still be around Apple programming. The topics that I choose to publish mainly origin to actual apps and the solutions on the various issues and problems I encounter, but other times are how-to guides that aim to make the life of other fellow developers a bit easier.

Every time I create and publish something new, that being a text tutorial or a video, a newsletter is sent to all my subscribed followers as an instant notification. If you like my content, then feel free to subscribe to my newsletter as well, and I promise that you will never receive spam and annoying emails.

I also have a YouTube channel where I publish programming videos from time to time, so if you're up to it subscribe there as well. In addition, you can find me on Medium where I post some of the tutorials that I originally post here, and don't forget that we can be "friends" on X (Twitter) and Mastodon too!

I wish you have a productive and pleasant time on SerialCoder.dev, and you may find all the coding answers you are looking for! Enjoy your reading!

P.S.: If you find content that was helpful or interesting to you, then consider sharing it; that would mean the world to me!