Text Tutorials

  • How To Create a Custom Search Bar Using UISearchController

    Quite often it’s required from iOS applications to be capable of performing search in specific data that is displayed in a tableview. Undoubtably, most of developers have faced that situation, and the most usual approach to that is to use the default controls that the iOS SDK provides. Up to iOS 8, Apple was providing…

  • Building a Video Search App with YouTube API

    It’s a well-known fact that Google provides a big number of electronic products and services that can be used from the simplest end-user, to the most sophisticated one. But further than those who just use the Google services as they’re provided, there are people who need to have a different kind of access to them;…

  • Building a Custom Pull To Refresh Control for Your iOS Apps

    In a world that there are extremely so many mobile applications, there is no doubt that it’s tremendously difficult to create new ones that will attract users’ attention and will make their way among all others up to the top successfully. Definitely, one could say that a secret ingredient that turns simple apps to outstanding…

  • A Beginner’s Guide to In-App Purchase Programming in iOS 8

    Many applications today provide the option to get extra content and features by making purchases through them. This technique, known as In-App Purchases, has become a fashion during the last few years, and it has proven to be quite profitable and efficient. Undoubtably, we all have downloaded apps from App Store that gave us the…

  • How to Use Dropbox API in iOS Apps

    Finding integrated cloud services into an iOS application some time ago was something quite rare. There were not many services offering APIs to do that, and moreover just a small percentage out of the total users had a constant Internet connection (3G/4G connections, or constant access to Wifi networks). Nowadays things have dramatically changed, as…

  • Building a QR Code Generator with Core Image Filters

    One of the first tutorials I contributed here at Appcoda was a guide about how to create a QR code reader in iOS. At that time of course, the code of that tutorial was written in Objective-C, as Swift wasn’t still existing. Later in time, my friend Simon wrote a new one, this time made…

  • Working with CloudKit in iOS 8

    One of the greatest tasks that developers have to perform, is to find and implement a proper way to store the application data. Undoubtably, there’s no application in any platform that doesn’t need to save some kind of data at some point. Depending on the nature of the application usually, the amount of data that…

  • A Swift Tutorial for Google Maps SDK

    Working with maps in iOS consists of an entire programming chapter, as there are tons of things that a developer can do with them. From just presenting a location on a map to drawing a journey’s route with intermediate positions, or even exploiting a map’s possibilities in a completely different way, dealing with all these…

  • Developing iBeacons Apps with Swift

    Since the introduction of iBeacons with iOS 7 by Apple, a lot of things have been said and written about. iBeacon technology consist of a revolutionary way to keep track of the position of a device indoors and use location services, similarly to the GPS outdoors, and it’s based on the signal transmitted through Bluetooth…