
Posted in Old iOS Apps

Updated on June 4th, 2019

⏱ Reading Time: 2 mins

This app is no longer available on the App Store


So, what' s that app about?
The AutoXpenses is a great, new utility for the iPhone which will help you to organize and bring order to the chaos caused by all expenses that been done for vehicles.

Almost every day, everybody who owns a vehicle, car, motorcycle, truck or anything else, pays for it (or them if there are more than one) either few or a lot of money in order to have it working properly.Fuel fillings, maintenance, repairs or other purchases for the vehicles add extra charges to the personal or family budget.

App Info

  • Price: $0.99 (€ 0.79)
  • iOS: 4.0 or newer
  • Current version: 1.1
  • Updated: Dec 5, 2011
  • Category: Utilities
  • Size: 4.3 MB
  • Rated: 4+
  • Language: English

Finally, it becomes so hard to keep track of all the expenses.The solution to that problem gives the AutoXpenses app! With an easy interface, just with a few taps, the user can add to the app all the expenses that take place in daily basis. Even more, the app allows to keep records of expenses for more than one vehicle!

Detailed reports are available providing useful information, mostly financial, but not only. Those reports, highly customizable by using filters, keep the user up-to-date for the money spent until last penny at any single moment.

Additional features are also provided, like the ability to change the measurement units (Km, Miles, Litres, Gallons), a small and fast unit converter and among others the complete how-to included into the app.

All the above exist in a user-friendly, easy and fast interface that turns the app's usage into a great pleasure!

Get now the AutoXpenses app and bring order to your expenses concerning your vehicles!!!

It worths the expense!!!

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