Arrays VS Sets In Swift
Read in this post about the differences between Array and Set in Swift and see how to perform the most basic and common operations in both.
Insetting Scrollable Views' Content With contentMargins In SwiftUI
Adding margin to content of scrollable views in SwiftUI is just a matter of a single view modifier. Read here all you need to know about it.
Converting Dates To Formatted Strings Easily in Swift
Getting formatted strings from dates is really easy in Swift. Find out in this post all available built-in styles to use in your apps.
A Summary Of How To Pass Data To SwiftUI Environment
Go through a summary of all possible ways to inject custom data to SwiftUI environment and access it from any view in the view hierarchy.
Replacing The Deprecated cornerRadius View Modifier In SwiftUI
Read how to replace the cornerRadius view modifier in SwiftUI after its deprecation in iOS 17.4 and why the alternative is a better choice.
The ContentUnavailableView In SwiftUI
Meet the ContentUnavailableView in SwiftUI and find out how to present a configurable system no-content view in just a few seconds.
Defining Custom Errors With Advanced Descriptions In Swift
Go beyond providing basic textual descriptions of custom errors in Swift exploring additional APIs for perfect user-facing error messages.
Self vs self in Swift - Find out the differences with practical examples
"Self" with capital "S" and "self" with small "s" are two different concepts in Swift. This video makes everything clear with code examples.