higher order functions
Higher Order Functions in Swift - reduce, contains, allSatisfy, removeAll
This post showcases four handy higher order functions in Swift necessary in everyday programming that all devs should be constantly using.
Higher Order Functions in Swift - forEach, filter, sorted
Three quite common higher order functions in Swift; forEach, filter and sorted. Read on to find out what they are for and how to use them.
Higher Order Functions in Swift - map, compactMap, flatMap
This post presents and explains three important and common higher order functions in Swift that are important tools to every developer.
Higher Order Functions in Swift - An Introduction
What exactly are higher order functions in Swift? This post explains that, and it goes one step further by showing how to create your own.
Understanding Higher Order Functions in Swift
There are things in Swift that can be done in a good or in a better way. Learn about higher order functions in Swift and don't stay on just "good"!