Interface Builder

  • Customize NSButton Colors And Rounded Corners On macOS Projects

    Customize NSButton Colors And Rounded Corners On macOS Projects

    Meet a quick technique on how to create customizable and highly configurable buttons available in Interface Builder when programming on macOS.

  • macOS Programming Tutorial: Working with Custom Views and Cocoa Controls

    Great apps have great user interfaces, and chances to build a great interface entirely inside the views of the view controllers in the storyboard file(s) are small. Usually, complex views are being designed in separate Xib (Interface Builder) files, and knowing how to load content from custom views is a mandatory skill that each macOS…

  • Xcode 6 Tips: Vector Images, Code Snippets and Many More

    As a developer, no matter whether your are a professional one, or you are just doing programming for fun, it’s definite that you are going to spend endless hours in front of your monitor until your project is ready. Feeling comfortable with the programming tools you use is more than important, as they consist of…

  • Xcode 5 Essentials

    Xcode 5 is a major step forward for the Apple ecosystem, bringing more possibilities, features, and tools to developers than ever before. With Version 5, Xcode has grown into an extremely powerful IDE. Read this article to learn what’s new!