ios sdk

  • Adding Animated Effects to iOS App Using UIKit Dynamics

    In the recent tutorials, it has been underlined that iOS 7 has brought along great new features. Many new frameworks, libraries and APIs have been exposed to developers, letting them create modern and engaging applications and attract more users. One of them is the UIKit Dynamics library, integrated right into the UIKit framework, allowing the…

  • Exploring the Multipeer Connectivity framework: Game Logic

    In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a simple, multi-player game using the Multipeer Connectivity framework that was introduced in iOS 7. In the first installment of this series, we laid the foundation of the game. In this article, we'll implement the game logic. Read the full tutorial on MobileTuts+

  • Exploring the Multipeer Connectivity framework: Project Setup

    As with every major release, iOS 7 includes many new APIs that developers can take advantage of in their applications. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at a brand new framework introduced in iOS 7, the Multipeer Connectivity framework. This framework adds support for discovering, connecting to, and communicating with nearby services, such as…

  • Introduction to Objective-C Blocks

    In programming, what differentiates a good developer from a great developer is the way each one takes advantage of the programming tools he or she offered by the used language. Objective-C, the official language for developing applications for iPhone, iPad and Mac OS, is a multi-featured one, and as a relative to C, very powerful.…

  • How To Import Contacts Using Address Book Framework

    One of the most well-known and most used feature of iPhone devices to all users, developers or not, is the Address Book. For those who use a lot the device as a phone (rather than a mobile mini computer), all important and vital information they need exist in their contacts. Till today, many applications have…