• Network Framework in iOS: How to Monitor Network Status Changes

    Read about how to monitor for network status changes in iOS and macOS projects using Swift.

  • macOS Programming: Working with Table Views

    Check out this tutorial about how to implement Table Views on macOS platform using Swift.

  • GTStorable Framework

    A new custom framework on Github that enables any Codable-conforming type to perform file operations (save, load, etc) by just adopting GTStorable.

  • RESTful API Tutorial: How to Upload Files to a Server

    Welcome to a new, hopefully exciting tutorial! In a previous post I showed to you the process of creating a custom class that manages web requests and RESTful APIs. Today, we will keep building on it, as I would like to focus on a specific use case: How to upload files to a server!

  • GTEasyLayout Framework

    GTEasyLayout is a framework written in Swift which aims to minimise the effort of setting up constraints programmatically when implementing UI in iOS apps.

  • macOS Programming Tutorial: Working with Custom Views and Cocoa Controls

    Great apps have great user interfaces, and chances to build a great interface entirely inside the views of the view controllers in the storyboard file(s) are small. Usually, complex views are being designed in separate Xib (Interface Builder) files, and knowing how to load content from custom views is a mandatory skill that each macOS…

  • RESTful APIs Tutorial: Creating Your Own Lightweight REST Library in Swift

    Most applications nowadays communicate with servers to exchange data, and they do so by consuming RESTful APIs, also called RESTful web services. Using REST, applications can send requests to servers, and servers send responses as answers back to client apps. The whole communication is based on standard rules that REST architectural style defines. Obviously, developers…

  • GTRest

    A lightweight Swift library for making web requests and consuming RESTful APIs!

  • GTNetMon

    A lightweight Swift library to get network status and connection information, and to monitor for network changes.

  • macOS Programming Tutorial: Working with Alerts, Sheets and Modal Windows

    One of the basic, yet vital things a developer should know when creating macOS apps is how to present alerts, system panels or custom windows to their apps. Regardless of how small or big an app is, it will always be necessary to display an informational message to the user or ask for confirmation. Letting…