RESTful API Tutorial: How to Upload Files to a Server
Welcome to a new, hopefully exciting tutorial! In a previous post I showed to you the process of creating a custom class that manages web requests and RESTful APIs. Today, we will keep building on it, as I would like to focus on a specific use case: How to upload files to a server!
GTEasyLayout Framework
GTEasyLayout is a framework written in Swift which aims to minimise the effort of setting up constraints programmatically when implementing UI in iOS apps.
RESTful APIs Tutorial: Creating Your Own Lightweight REST Library in Swift
Most applications nowadays communicate with servers to exchange data, and they do so by consuming RESTful APIs, also called RESTful web services. Using REST, applications can send requests to servers, and servers send responses as answers back to client apps. The whole communication is based on standard rules that REST architectural style defines. Obviously, developers…
A lightweight Swift library for making web requests and consuming RESTful APIs!
Using Google Cloud Translation API to Power Your App with Instant Translation
One of the several services and APIs that developers can use from Google is the Cloud Translation API, which offers the ability to perform machine learning (ML) based translations of any string into any supported language. The list of supported languages is long and it’s getting longer over time. Google provides pre-trained models for translation,…
GTCodable - Automate Common Tasks in Swift Using POP, Reflection and the Codable Protocol
A custom protocol in Swift that lets you encode an object to JSON, convert it to dictionary, archive it, save to file, load, initialise, decode and more in an amazingly simple, fast and natural way!
Introduction to SnapKit: Make Auto Layout Easy for iOS App Development
Create Auto Layout constraints programmatically and above all easily using SnapKit; A great tool for working fast with constraints in Swift.
Techniques in Loading View Controllers and Passing Values Between Them - Part 1
Most iOS apps that show multiple content, also contain multiple view controllers. If your app is not based on a navigation controller or a tab bar controller, but it's a single view based application, then loading and presenting the various view controllers to the user it's a task that has to be done manually. Generally speaking,…
A Beginner’s Guide to Bezier Paths and Shape Layers
Create great eye-catching user interface for your apps by reading how to implement UIBezierPaths and shape layers. Learn all you need so you can move your UI development to the next level.
Using JavaScript in Swift Projects: Building a Markdown to HTML Editor
Learn about JavaScriptCore framework in iOS and see how Swift and JavaScript can be tied together. Embed JavaScript code in iOS projects and find out how simple is to do magical things with just a few actions.