The clipShape View Modifier In SwiftUI
Find in this video tutorial how to apply the clipShape modifier in SwiftUI views and apply a mask either using built-in or custom shapes.
Playing With SwiftUI - Implementing A Customizable And Animatable Circled Checkmark View
Go through a detailed making of a customizable view that displays an animated checkmark in SwiftUI meeting various techniques along the way.
Using Segmented Control in SwiftUI
Implementing a segmented control in SwiftUI is an easy task, and here you will learn how to do so properly, plus you will get a bonus tip.
Rounding Specific Corners In SwiftUI Views
Find out how to make it possible to round specific corners of SwiftUI views by using UIBezierPath and creating a reusable shape.
SwiftUI: Clip Shape Modifier On Images
Learn how to apply a shape mask on SwiftUI views with the clip shape modifier in a quick guide, as well as how to change shape on the fly.