
  • Presenting and Managing Expandable Sections in SwiftUI

    Presenting and Managing Expandable Sections in SwiftUI

    Learn how to present and manage expandable Sections in SwiftUI, allow user interaction, and efficiently handle multiple sections.

  • Implementing Three Column Navigation in SwiftUI

    Implementing Three Column Navigation in SwiftUI

    Learn how to implement three-column navigation in SwiftUI and make macOS and iPad apps that provide navigation experience familiar to users.

  • Show Badges in SwiftUI

    Show Badges in SwiftUI

    Find out how to use the new badges API in the 3rd release of SwiftUI, and how to add a badge to list rows and the items of tab bars.

  • Swipe Actions in SwiftUI

    Swipe Actions in SwiftUI

    Find out in this post how to use swipe actions in SwiftUI - actionable buttons to interact with when users swipe left or right on list rows.

  • Pull To Refresh in SwiftUI

    Pull To Refresh in SwiftUI

    Read about the pull to refresh control made available in the third version of SwiftUI, and find out important details to always keep in mind.

  • UITableView: Display and hide cells as a dropdown list

    When creating iOS applications, the need to pick a value from a list while displaying an UITableView comes up quite often. One obvious solution to that matter, and the hard one in most cases, is to load another UIView which may contain an UIPickerView or an UITableView that will list the values you need, let…