Libraries & Frameworks
GTEasyLayout Framework
GTEasyLayout is a framework written in Swift which aims to minimise the effort of setting up constraints programmatically when implementing UI in iOS apps.
A lightweight Swift library for making web requests and consuming RESTful APIs!
A lightweight Swift library to get network status and connection information, and to monitor for network changes.
GTAlertCollection: UIAlertController variations gathered in one place, introducing new simplified usage.
Learn how GTAlertCollection library can help you work fast, easy and efficiently with alert controllers (UIAlertController)!
GTRestKit - A lightweight yet powerful Swift library for performing RESTful HTTP requests
GTRestKit is a lightweight but powerful library that lets you make HTTP requests and consume RESTful APIs in modern, easy, and straightforward fashion.
GTCodable - Automate Common Tasks in Swift Using POP, Reflection and the Codable Protocol
A custom protocol in Swift that lets you encode an object to JSON, convert it to dictionary, archive it, save to file, load, initialise, decode and more in an amazingly simple, fast and natural way!
GTSpinner - A custom activity indicator
GTSpinner is a custom, configurable activity indicator that can be used in iOS projects.
iOS – Swift – PageControl
A really simple demonstration on how to use the UIPageControl along with a scroll view in iOS. The project is written in Swift.
iOS – TouchID-Swift
A “plug and play” class written in Swift that can be added to projects and integrate the TouchID authentication to applications without performing any custom implementation at all.
iOS – Customized Alert View
The GTAlertView class for iOS, provides a way for using the UIAlertView with a completion handler block, instead of delegate methods. With it, initialiazing and showing the alert view, as well as handling the tapped buttons are implemented all together in one place.