A custom view modifier in order to present the system email composer in SwiftUI based iOS apps shipped as a Swift package.
macOS programming: Implementing a focusable text field in SwiftUI
Learn how to create a custom focusable text field for macOS in SwiftUI, and how to move focus among multiple text fields with the Tab key.
Composing Emails in SwiftUI Using A View Modifier
Learn how to port the email compose view controller into SwiftUI, and make it easy to use, elegant and reusable with a custom view modifier.
AsyncImage in SwiftUI
Read about the brand new AsyncImage view in the third release of SwiftUI, and load and display remote images asynchronously and effortlessly.
Email Composer on iOS
Read in this post how to present and configure the system provided email composer, allowing users to send emails through your own iOS apps.
Introduction to UI Testing in SwiftUI Using XCTest Framework
Learn the basics on UI testing in SwiftUI based apps using the XCTest framework, and explore techniques that will guarantee a bug-free UI.
Presenting Sheets in SwiftUI
Read about presenting sheets in SwiftUI, how to deal with them, and discover some useful tips that you will often need to put in motion.
Toggle View in SwiftUI
Learn how to use the toggle view in SwiftUI, and how to create custom styles in order to override the default appearance with unique views.